After an exciting photoshoot {Post Here} with my roommate via her blog: www.the-antiquarian.com we had a fun filled day of shopping. Part of our shopping adventures was a nearby record store filled with a ton of music: new and old, even vinyls! ;) I went there on a mission to purchase The Civil Wars album: Barton Hollow, and I am so glad I did. I literally love every single song on that album. Period. Also, after doing some research on the band I never realized that one my favorite artists {Joy Williams} is one of the lead singers in the band. The one thing I love most about their album: Barton Hollow is that each song is so relatable {even in my own life}. I had a hard time choosing which song to share since I pretty much love them all... {ohh how all of these songs tug at my heart strings} so I decided to go with one that I feel like a lot of people can relate to at some point or another... I chose "Poison & Wine" - If you want to listen to/find out more of the The Civil Wars click {here}